Show Topic: Producing
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TEDxUCLouvain – Creating an Experience in spite of COVID
Finding ways to be creative and stay connected to your TEDx Community during these challenging times of sequestering and dealing with a global pandemic can test even the most creative Organizers.
Mark Sylvester, Co-Organizer, TEDxSantaBarbara, Host, Hacking The Red Circle Podcast
In this special episode, recorded in September 2018 right after TEDxSantaBarbara, Mark Sylvester, the host of Hacking the Red Circle, is interviewed by TEDxLincoln’s Randy Bretz and TEDxLaçador’s Ana Goelzer. This podcast is the first...
TEDxBrisbane – Juanita Wheeler, Organizer
When Juanita Wheeler, Organizer of TEDxBrisbane, attended TEDxSouthBankWomen in 2012, she was at a crossroads. She was a director of global marketing for a multinational corporation, but she had fallen out of love with her...
TEDxLuanda – Januario Jano – Organizer
Januario Jano is the Organizer for TEDxLuanda, which is a beautiful city on the western coast of Angola. He is a global soul, born in Angola, with homes in London and Lisbon. Angola is a...
TEDxKazimierz – Richard Lucas, Organizer
Richard Lucas is a British businessman and social entrepreneur. He has lived in Krakow for more than half of his life, having grown up in Oxford. He has been involved with TEDx as a speaker,...
TEDxSantaBarbara – Mark Sylvester and Kymberlee Weil
Mark Sylvester and Kymberlee Weil have been bringing TEDx to Santa Barbara since 2010. They have a great story about how they met and created a project that debuted at TED2003.
TEDxIntuit – Kara DeFrias – Organizer
The Hack: Have someone else ‘call’ the show so you can interact with the audience Kara DeFrias is a force of nature. She’s been involved with TEDx since 2010, having worked at TEDxSanDiego and produced TEDxIntuit....
TEDxKC – Mike Lundgren, Organizer
The Hack: Pay attention to doing something unique with your speakersMike Lundgren is a nine-year veteran of TEDxKC (Kansas City), having produced almost 40 events. His 2017 event sold out in four minutes. They enjoy...
TEDxSydney – Remo Giuffre – Organizer
Remo Giuffre, the original licensee of TEDxSydney, has the envious position of curating one of the most widely respected TEDx events in the world.
TEDxCanberra – Gavin Blake – TEDx Graphic Designer, Scribe
Gavin Blake is a visual scribe and worked with over 50 TEDx events around the world. His ability to synthesize a talk, in real time is impressive.
TEDxWellington – DK and Hannah Wignall
DK and Hannah Wignall run TEDxWellington. They have an amazing story about trust to share with other organizers. You’ll want to listen until the end.
TEDxWandsworth – Amman Abid
Amman Abid and his wife, Kay Chauhan, are the founders and organizers of a TEDx in the boroughs of London. They’ve seen how deep community connections contribute to their event’s success.
TEDxPSU – Herbert Reininger
Herbert is the original licensee of TEDxPSU. They’re one of the 1st 100 TEDx’s. They produce an event for 800 with 2,000 viewing online. Lots to learn here.
TEDxLincoln – Randy Bretz
Randy Bretz, the Organizer for TEDxLincoln, suggests that the secret to managing a TEDx is that he doesn’t feel like you have do to everything, yourself.