Show Topic: Speaker
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Stefan Bucher, TEDx Speaker – Reflections on his Road to the Red Circle
In 2011 Stefan Bucher, a Designer, presented at TEDxAmericanRiviera (now known as TEDxSantaBarbara.) His reflections on that talk are illuminating.
TEDxOshkosh – Bethany Lerch – Speaker
The Hack: Practice every day, and try some of Amy Cuddy’s Power Poses Bethany Lerch is a former Fulbright and Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar and was a speaker on the 2016 TEDxOshkosh stage. She spoke about...
TEDxCesena – Jacqueline Oliveira – Speaker
Jacqueline Oliveira’s a teacher, coach, & TEDxCesena speaker. She’s an expert at cross-cultural communications which helped her present at a TEDx in Italy.
TEDxFargo – Ted Dintersmith – Speaker
Ted Dintersmith has a great story on how he got to the TEDxFargo red circle, in less than six days. This is a testament to his passion for education.
TEDxSantaBarbara Scott Mann, Speaker
Retired Green Beret, Scott Mann’s talked about Rooftop Leadership at TEDxSantaBarbara. Here’s a behind-the-scenes discussion about speaking at a TEDx event.