The Hack: Trust your own voice
Jacqueline Oliveira is a teacher, coach, and TEDx speaker. She spoke at TEDxCesena in 2016 and has some tips for organizers. She's an expert at cross-cultural communications, which helped her, as an American, present at an Italian TEDx. She talks about how to read audiences to build trust across cultures.
As an educator, she has used TED, and TEDx talks extensively in the classroom. She's particularly fond of Susan Cain's talk because of her 'genuine voice'. She appreciated the help she got from the TEDxCesena coaches on the flow of her talk and their guidance on selecting the title.
For speakers, she recommends a Rehearsal Ritual that includes deep breathing, memorizing your talk while exercising (She swims and paced the transitions between themes as she counted laps), and visualization.
Doing anything with TED was a dream (come true)Jacqueline Oliveira, Speaker, TEDxCesena
The Lightning Round
She's been listening to TED talks for years as an educator and using them in the classroom.
She's been a speaker once, at TEDxCesena. It was a friend of a friend who alerted Fulvia and Maurizio, the TEDxCesena organizers, to her idea worth spreading.
She was amazed at the real time translation of her talk from English to Italian. There were a few English speakers, and this helped.
The reception she has gotten since the talk was posted.
She was afraid of glitches and couldn't predict when there was a hiccup with the slides.
Consider having improv coaches available for your speakers. She found this incredibly helpful. Also for speakers: Practice, practice, practice.
Trust yourself. Note: This is a great hack, or advice, for anyone in the TEDx ecosystem. Sometimes we have a gut-feeling of the right thing to do, yet we don't trust our instincts (enough).