Stefan Bucher, TEDx Speaker – Reflections on his Road to the Red Circle

In Speaker by Mark Sylvester


The Hack:
Speakers, find out what will make you comfortable the minute you walk on stage and do it.

In 2011 Stefan Bucher, an award-winning Designer, presented at TEDxAmericanRiviera (now known as TEDxSantaBarbara.) He recently spoke with Mark Sylvester about reflections of his road to the Red Circle. Stefan speaks to audiences large and small and travels the world talking about design, typically to designers. He remarks that stepping onto the TEDx stage is unlike any other event.

For Organizers, hearing this conversation will help you understand the thinking of an accomplished speaker when understanding how different the TEDx experience is - and how he'd wished he'd taken more advantage of our help. You'll get some great tips on how to coach your speakers by listening to him.

Stefan's hack for speakers is to consider how you open your talk and capture the imagination and energy of the audience. He suggests using a musical opening, much like the overture to a Broadway play. You'll see how he used this in his talk from 2011. We've posted Stefan's talk below so you can watch, then listen to this episode so that you can understand the context of his answers.

There is this huge mystique around the Red Circle." Stefan Bucher, TEDx speaker, Designer

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